Classes Help Customers Beautify Their Gardens One Plant at a Time

Customers in attendance spruced up their knowledge on California Native plants and learned different landscape designs to improve their gardens and make them more drought-tolerant. This event marks the first this year, with more to come this spring.

Californians use the majority of their water outdoors and by changing to California Native plants, landscapes can be more water-wise, ultimately saving more money. By providing these landscape classes to customers, Rowland Water is helping customers save 30 to 70 percent of all household water that may otherwise be used for their landscapes.

“By giving our customers these resources we bring the community together with the same interest in mind and spread the goal to become more sustainable,” said Tom Coleman, Rowland Water District General Manager. “We are excited to see our customers makeover their gardens and see the enhancements happen across our neighborhoods.”

Rowland Water plans to hold another landscape class in the spring.  Visit for updates to our local plant education calendar.

For more information on California Native Plants and ways to makeover your yard, you can visit our website at or visit Rowland also provides information on conservation, rebates and landscape classes on our District’s FaceBook page.

Landscape Class